About Me

There has been a lot of changes in the last few years! One of them is that I found some help for my fibromyalgia! My illness is why I use the internet so much and one of the reasons I make everything from home. Both to save a little on money since I cant work, and to give me something I can do at home when I feel well enough. Until Sept 2011 I didn’t know why I was sick all the time, and spent an in-ordinate amount of money on natural remedies, so I guess that is another thing that started me on the path of homemade. I started with homemade breads, and then tried Kombucha, which I LOVE. (and cant have, due to my new medication) Homemade yogurt, chicken stock, and now soaps and lotions!! All of my recipes are from other recipes and tips I have learned along the way, that I have tweaked just the way I like them. Stay tuned, I will post all that I have learned about these things, and hopefully post some links for where to find more info and MAYBE where to buy from me! If you are in Dawson Creek, BC, or can come pick up in Dawson Creek, I can sell any of the above mentioned things to you, just send me a comment! Or message me on Facebook, I have a Page for Christine’s Homemade Creations. This Website is the 4’th one I am working on, and this is just for me, so I can take as long as I like to get it just the way I like it!! =)
See you in Cyber space =)
To read more about me and the history of Christines Homemade Creations, click here
