Soup Stock

Bones, gizzards, necks
filtered water
vegetables: celery, onion, carrot are my favorites

Prep time: 1 minute
Cook time: 12-24 hours

This is for Chicken stock, but you can pretty much use whatever bones you find. I hear that fish bones are exceptionally good for you, but have yet to figure out where to use the finished stock! lol ;)

Place your bones in a large pot and fill with water to just cover. Add a splash of vinegar and generous salt. (this helps pull the goodness from the bones) Leave on as low as you can put your burner/ slow cooker for 10-12 hours.
After this, add veggies for 2 hours.
Strain and toss all bones, etc.
Turn stove on high and let half your stock boil down, this usually takes me about 1/2 hr.
Skim oil and any foam off top and let cool on counter.
Pour into small freezable containers and freeze or use immediately.
Add to any soups, stews and sauces for nutritional value and delicious flavor :)

Tip: Health properties of stock: " Science validates what our grandmothers knew. Rich homemade chicken broths help cure colds. Stock contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily—not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. It contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons--stuff like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain." read complete article at the Weston A Price Foundation

Tip: When I bake a chicken, I keep all the bones in a container in the freezer until I have chicken 2 more times. This gives me enough bones to fill the pot and make using the stove for 14 hours worth while! This also makes a stronger stock, which means more health benefits! And I seem to take that long to use up all the chicken stock from the last batch anyways! :) Click here for my baked Chicken recipe
