me and Fibromyalgia :) Dec 2011

I just wanted to share my story on my fibromyalgia :)

I have been told by so many throughout my life that I am LAZY. but I was FATIGUED. So, my mom and I tried all kinds of different herbal and 'natural' things that costs thousands of dollars a year. Then I moved out of home and had to pay for this stuff myself and couldn't afford it all, so started seeing a Chiropractor, who helped a little with some of the pain. Then I got married and my sweet husband has again spent THOUSANDS each year trying anything to get me better. Each thing along the way helped for a little while. But inevitably, the pain and fatigue would come back, and be worse than before. 2 years ago I thought it was all because of Endometriosis, and after trying so many medications, pills and surgeries, I had to have a hysterectomy. I thought it was going to make everything better. And for about 8 months, it did improve things considerably... until things started to go down hill. I was walking about an hour or two a day, and feeling fine, and then slowly, I could only do 45 minutes, then 30 minutes, etc. Now I don't have the energy to go for a walk at all. I begin to feel nauseous, light headed, get very flushed and dizzy and have to sit wherever it is that I am. I have sat on the road a few times, and then ended up in bed by the time I could get myself home. SO I started to see a Naturopath who promised all kinds of amazing results. And THOUSANDS of dollars later I did feel a little better for a few months. Couldn't walk yet though!

I remember sitting beside my best friend and visiting with her sister in law. This lady has Fibro and was explaining a couple things and I started to ask questions. She referred me to this protocol and the Fibromyalgia Treatment Center website. As I went through all the symptoms on there, I wanted to hope, but just couldn't. My friend sat me down and told me this is the answer, this is what I have. I trust her completely, and so I made the appointment with a mapper in Edmonton. Sure enough, I have Fibro. It was the most emotional day I have had in so long! Just to know there is a name for what I have. That there is a medication that might work, and it all made so much sense when I read the book. The Doctor, St Amand has been researching and treating his fibro and thousands of fibro patients for some 40 years!! And people are reversing symptoms!!

I started on the Guaifenesin and the Protocol Sept 2011 (one month ago from writing this), and I will never look back! The first thing I noticed was that I could sleep through the night, then recently I have started to have an hour or 2 a day where I feel so much energy it's amazing!!! I just RUN around getting as much done as I possibly can when i get those bursts. And you know the fun thing? I don't have to pay for it later!!! YAY!!! I got re-mapped and found that 4 bumps are gone in my left thigh, and that would explain why I can sleep on my side again!!

Don't get me wrong, this is a process, and I am going to be up and down for a long time, but now there is HOPE!!! each time I have some horrible pain, now I know it's because some phosphate buildup is being pulled out, and that eventually that pain is never going to come back again! now I can endure pain with HOPE!!! I am so thankful to the Lord for this protocol, for Dr St Amand, Guaifenesin, and this fibro(my)algia Facebook page. you all are such an encouragement to me! thank you thank you thank you!! :)

Have Fibromyalgia? please click here.

For more info on the protocol and Guaifenesin, go here:
and take a look at the links I have provided on the right on help for this difficult disease :)
