Sugar free Chocolate Sauce Recipe

So, just ignore the chipped condition of this glass, and focus in on the yummy CHOCOLATE going on here! :D

2 Tbsp Cocoa
2 Tbsp Xylitol
1 tsp Artificial Chocolate Extract (I get all my flavors from Watkins)
3 Tbsp Milk

Heat milk in microwave till boiling (takes me about 30 seconds)
Add to other ingredients till JUST moist, stir really well till the cocoa melts. add rest of milk, stir and refrigerate :) 

Tip: adding the extra milk makes it more runny for refrigeration so that it doesn't get all clumpy.

Tip: You can use Chipits Chocolate Chips and melt with some milk if you prefer a thicker sauce, but that has sugar in it and I am quite determined to get sugar COMPLETELY out of my diet! besides, this is definitely the cheapest way to make chocolate sauce I have ever seen!!!

I was SOOOOOO badly wanting some chocolate the other day (who DOESN'T want chocolate, like EVER?!) And remembered the days when I would try to make chocolate milk from scratch using cocoa and sugar, and it just got all clumpy and bubbly at the top- which was delicious, don't get me wrong, but the milk never tasted chocolatey! :P 

THEN! I remembered this other recipe for making chocolate bark that I have been doing for a couple months now, and is SOOOOO yummy too! but that recipe is another day's post! :D Anyways, I remembered how the cocoa would just so easily melt right in, and I got to thinking... (...a dangerous past time I know...cartoons anyone?) Where was I? Oh yes, thinking! I normally would use vanilla in with the cocoa but I just so happened to be out of vanilla, and so, my brain put two and two together and voila! you have delicious chocolate sauce! :D

I use this to make chocolate milk, which is just so incredibly delicious!! My plan is to use it for making chocolate ice cream next. I will let you know how that goes!!! :D
